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Stall & Co.
Stall & Co.

Fryso dressage saddle 18 Zoll wither 35

82438 ESCHENLOHE directions
remove_red_eye 0131
people 2
720 VB
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Fryso Schabracken

Form Dressur
Größe Warmblut (L/Full)
Zustand Gebraucht - Gut
Fryso Dressagesaddle in good condition for salec. Netherland Company specially made for Fresian horses, used in my hands for an warmblood with a wider shoulder. Stored dry , clean in home .Seating 18 zoll, wither 35 inch . Saddle stamed :made in England 18 x 35 saddlenr 1220 profi questions 0151/27500037 post and packaging possible as its shipped from Germany
ecoIch verzichte beim Versand meiner Artikel weitestgehend auf Plastik und versende am liebsten klimafreundlich


82438 ESCHENLOHE directions

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